Oreganol P73 Infused Aromatic Wild Spice spray
OregaSpray gives you the opportunity to use nothing other than wild spice oils for cleansing and deodorizing your environment. Plus, it’s a natural vegetable wash for cleaning and supporting the health of the whole family. It also has a wonderful wild lavender scent and is safe to use around pets.
OregaSpray is the only completely natural, edible, multipurpose spray. With hundreds of uses it is the ideal: Vegetable wash, air cleanser, hand cleaner, toothbrush spray, food cleaner, environmental spray, odor neutralizer, kitchen and bathroom cleaner, pet deodorizer, body and foot deodorant, and breath freshener. Keep away from eyes and genitals. Shake well before using.
An excellent alternative to GermaClenz!
OregaSpray gives you the opportunity to use nothing other than wild spice oils for cleansing and deodorizing your environment. Plus, it’s a natural vegetable wash for cleaning and supporting the health of the whole family. It also has a wonderful wild lavender scent and is safe to use around pets.
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